Tuesday 2 February 2016

Meet the Danish Lady helping less privileged children in Nigeria

Anja Ringgren Loven has dedicated her life in Nigeria to helping less privileged children.

She has spent the last 3years doing so, and saving children who have been abandoned by their families for being possessed by witchcraft.

She raises funds from home back in Denmark to assist the kids. She has a documentary coming up titled "Anja Africa".

Below is what she had to say:

I've seen much here in Nigeria over the last 3 years. I have spared you for many experiences when we've been on the rescue operations. Thousands of children are being accused of being witches and we've both seen torture of children, dead children and frightened children. This footage shows why I fight. Why I sold everything I own. Why I'm moving out in uncharted territory. Why the new documentary is so important for dinnødhjælps work so we can shout world leaders up so we can get focused on superstition in Nigeria! I hope you will all see with when " Anja Africa ' is being shown on TV. Together we can make the biggest difference! 💪🏽
I have chosen to call the boy hope for right now, we all hope that he survives. He is in the hospital and you guys want to support hope with medicine and hospital bills as you daily pay for hospitalisation here in Nigeria can make a contribution on dinnødhjælps mobilepay: 27 21 24 34
The details of today's rescue mission yesterday I can't go into now. But you will see it all in the new documentary "Anja Africa" being shown on dr2 so remember to watch!

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