Saturday, 18 June 2016

Tonto Dikeh Celebrates His Son As He Turns 4months

Tonto Dikeh-Churchill is celebrating her son Baby Andre, who turned 4 months. The actress gave birth in February this year in USA, and has since kept a low profile, nursing and taking care of her new born.
The actress celebrated her 31st birthday on the 9th of June, 2016.

Tonto pens down a heart felt message, as her baby turns 4 months. We cant wait to see the bundle of joy.
'My body has gone through changes...I have carried a child within it,Slept with him on my chest,I have Kissed little Lips,hands and feets, I have been pooped,peed and vomited on,I have wiped away tears,also cried with him and stayed up all night cradling my child...BUT I would have it no other way because when I look at the mirror and starring right back at me is an AWESOME GRACIOUS MOM & there is no greater Blessing,Honor OR LOVE!!! #HAPPY 4months KING-ANDRE,Thanks for giving my Life a purpose,Thank you for choosing me and Thank you for giving me the opportunity to EXPERIENCE Love with my Whole heart..Am Soo over joyed it brings tears down my cheeks..😢

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