Wednesday 27 January 2016

FIFA confirms final candidates list for Presidential election

FIFA has confirmed the final five candidates to take over from the banned Sepp Blatter as head of the world football governing body one month from the vote.
The electoral committee of FIFA said that Prince Ali bin al Hussein, Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim al Khalifa, Gianni Infantino, Tokyo Sexwale and Jerome Champagne had all been admitted for the final campaigning.
The vote will hold in Zurich on February 26 after Blatter decided to step down following increasing pressure over corruption in FIFA.
“The Ad-hoc Electoral Committee has formally admitted and declared the candidates eligible for the election of the office of FIFA president at the extraordinary FIFA Congress,” said a letter sent to all 209 member associations on Tuesday.
Sheikh Salman had hinted on Monday that he could invite Infantino, or English Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore to be FIFA secretary general if he wins. 

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