Thursday 28 January 2016

Saudi drinker caught with 14 bottles of alcohol

The below was trying to sneak 14 bottles of liquor in his underwear into Saudi Arabia, according to official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

The Saudi man was stopped at customs on his way back from the island kingdom of Bahrain on the 16-mile-long King Fahd Causeway linking the two Gulf countries, according to head of customs Fahad Dhufallah al-Otaibi.

After a search, inspectors detected the bottles of booze which were attached with adhesive tapes to the man's upper and lower legs and hidden by the man’s traditional long white robe.

Alcohol is illegal in Saudi Arabia and as a result there are tough penalties such as public flogging or long detention for anyone caught trying to break the law.

News credit: dailymailuk 

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